Speech and Debate
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As a nationally-ranked team, Speech and Debate @ UCSD takes commitment to practice very seriously. In order to provide coaching in all events offered in Speech and Debate, we have a coaching staff including Head Coach, Vice President of Coaching, and student-peer coaches. Each event has a dedicated coach which hosts a 1-2 hour practice session at least once a week. If you are a member of Speech and Debate @ UC San Diego, check the Calendar page to see when practices for your events are. We aim to have you speak as much as humanly possible so you can improve as fast as possible. We are here to support you in your journey to becoming a better speaker and competitor!
If you are new to formal Speech and Debate competitions, please check out our overviews of the Speech events and Debate events in which we compete.
We compete in many different speech events, ranging from impromptu speeches where you are given little time to prepare and give a speech (Impromptu and Extemporaneous Speaking), to TED-talk style prepared speeches (Original Speech Events), to even theater/drama style performances (Interpretation Events).
We compete in the following Debate formats at most Speech and Debate tournaments: NPDA, IPDA, and British Parliamentary.